
Showing posts with the label Institutionalized

REVIEW: Institutionalized by Tim Marquitz

Institutionalized by Tim Marquitz Publishing information: Kindle Publisher: Amazon; 28 Oct 2016 ASIN: B01MF4QQ1C Series: Demon Squad 10 Copy: From Author Reviewer: Tyson Amazon Synopsis: "Blood on his hands, bridges burnt, ancient entities unleashed, the world falling into chaos, and it’s all Frank “Triggaltheron” Trigg’s fault. So what does he do? He joins the enemy, of course. Out of options, Frank surrenders to the DSI in hopes of working out a deal that will save DRAC and end the supernatural rebellion he instigated. As it turns out, the punishment for his crimes is the absolute worst thing he could imagine. They offer him a job. Now tasked to hunt down the former head of the DSI, Frank is caught up in a chess match that just might determine the fate of the universe. Who really needs a happy ending, anyway?" *In full disclosure, Tim Marquitz and I are good friends. Back in 2010 before SBR was just got started I read a fantastic book called Armageddon Bound and was blown a...