Do Yourselves a Favor and Read Some of Paul Kearney's Works

Over the weekend, a friend of mine and I started to talk about the books we were reading. When I said I was reading Paul Kearney 's The Wolf In The Attic , unfortunately I wasn't too surprised to hear that he didn't know one of my favorite authors. Knowing that my friend likes epic fantasy, I recommended him some of Paul Kearney 's books. Then I realized I haven't blogged about Kearney 's work for a while. Here I am doing this. I'm currently a quarter through The Wolf In The Attic . It is the story of a young refugee girl in Oxford in the 1920s. So far I really like the book. But if you're into epic fantasy I would highly recommend the following books: Hawkwood and the Kings by Paul Kearney (The Monarchies of God, Vol 1) The world is in turmoil. In the east the savage Merduks, followers of the Prophet Ahrimuz, have captured the holy city of Aekir. The western kingdoms are too distracted by internecine bickering to intervene and the Chruch seems more...