REVIEW: Children of the Different by S C Flynn

Children of the Different by S C Flynn Publishing information: Kindle Publisher: Self-Published ISBN: 9780954311889 Standalone Copy: Provided by Author Reviewer: Tyson Amazon Synopsis: "killed most of the world’s population. The survivors all had something different about their minds. Now, at the start of adolescence, their children enter a trance-like state known as the Changeland and either emerge with special mental powers or as cannibalistic Ferals. In the great forest of south-western Australia, thirteen year-old Arika and her twin brother Narrah go through the Changeland. They encounter an enemy known as the Anteater who feeds on human life. He exists both in the Changeland and in the outside world, and he wants the twins dead. After their Changings, the twins have powers that let them fight their enemy and face their destiny on a long journey to an abandoned American military base on the north-west coast of Australia. If they can reach it before time runs out. CHILDREN OF T...