REVEIW: In the Stars I'll Find You by Bradley Beaulieu

In the Stars I'll Find You by Bradley Beaulieu Publishing Information: Paperback; 214 pages Publisher: Quillings Literary Services; 1 April 2016 ISBN: 978-1939649188 Copy: Out of Pocket Reviewer: Tyson Amazon Synopsis: "Bradley P. Beaulieu’s latest story collection features his science fictional work, from exploring far-flung worlds to finding what it means to be human through artificial intelligence to the cost of dividing ourself through the use of technology. In the Stars I’ll Find You & Other Tales of Futures Fantastic contains 10 stories that explore our very human relationship with technology, some in print for the first time." After reading Bradley's Twelve Kings in Sharakhai ( review here) and loving every minute of it, I decided to help fund his Kickstarter campaign and check out his short story collection. As with all collections I will give you a brief synopsis of the book and them my rating A-F (graded just like you would in school), followed by an ov...