GUEST POST: Peter Orullian
Last week I reviewed Peter Orullian's The Unremembered pretty favorably( review here ). With his new book, Trial of Intentions, just being released . Peter graciously stopped by with a guest post. So without further ado: Memory as a Weapon by Peter Orullian What if instead of a fireball, or a lightning bolt, or even a magic missile, what if the weapon you wield . . . is memory. I’ll grant you, it doesn’t have the sizzle. Or nostalgia. But there’s something potent about it, don’t you think? I mean, if you stop to really think about it. Least ways, there is for me. Go with me for a moment. If you’re an adult—somewhere down the beaten path that we call life—there’s a very good chance that where you’ve ended up is not where you meant to be. That doesn’t mean you’re in a rotten place. But . . . It can be true that the weightiest thing, the thing that most burns, is the difference between where you thought you’d be and where you’ve wound up. Mainstream novels often dwell on this topic as...