REVIEW: Star Wars Vol. 2 Showdown on Smuggler's Moon by Jason Aaron, Stuart Immonen, and Simone Bianchi
Publishing Information: Paperback; 144 pages
Publisher: Marvel; 26 Jan 2016
ISBN: 9780785192145
Series: Vol. 2
Copy: Out of Pocket
Reviewer: Tyson
Synopsis: "Injustice reigns on Tatooine as villainous scum run rampant. Will Ben Kenobi risk revealing himself to do what's right? Then, Luke continues his quest to learn about the Jedi by heading for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Plus: Han & Leia are confronted by an unexpected foe from Han's past!
Last week I reviewed the first volume of the new Star Wars comic book that covers the time between New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Volume 2 continues the adventures of the rebels and this time it features a little more of Leia, which was missing from the last book. I don't want to give too much away but in this storyline Han and Leia's struggling romance gets sidelined when someone from his past gets in-between them and sends them on a new adventure. While this new figure does lend some comic relief as well as provide the plot to the story, it also raises new questions about Hans adventures before he joined up with Luke and Leia. A comic book series I would be interested in reading about as it seems as if there is a lot we still do not know about the galaxy's favorite smuggler.
The other story that is weaved between these pages is Luke's story. Luke has found Obi Wan's journal and has decided to journey to Coruscant in order to learn more about the the Jedi by finding the Jedi Temple. I am not sure how I feel about this plot line as I like the idea that Luke has very little help beyond what we see in the movies. While I am aware of the deleted scene in Return of the Jedi of Luke building his green lightsaber in Obi Wan's home, I don't know how I should feel about him finding a journal and then scouring the galaxy for clues to the Jedi, at least not this early in his new life as a Jedi.
Finally, we have a short story about the life and times of Obi Wan Kenobi's life as he settles himself in for a long, quiet life on Tatooine. He has a difficult time of leaving his life as a Jedi helping those that cannot help themselves and being an unseen watcher looking out for a young Skywalker. Several years ago I read a book that was about Kenobi's time on the desert world and it was a pretty good read. This story had a very similar feel and I would love to see more of Kenobi's life as he slowly becomes the hermit we were first introduced to 40 years ago.
Showdown on Smuggler's Moon has a lot going for it, it isn't quite as strong as the first volume but it is still early in the series and shows a lot of potential. I like where things are going and the artwork and plot work well.
Overall 7/10
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