REVIEW: Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft
Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft
Publishing information: Kindle
Publisher: Createspace 13 Feb 2013
ISBN: 9781482590951
Series: The books of Babel #1
Copy: Out of pocket
Reviewer: Tyson


Synopsis:"Senlin, a mild-mannered school teacher, is drawn to the Tower of Babel by the grandiose promises of a guidebook. The ancient and immense Tower seems the perfect destination for a honeymoon. But soon after arriving, Senlin loses his young wife, Marya, in the crowd.

Senlin’s search for Marya carries him through slums and theaters, prisons and ballrooms. He must survive betrayal, assassination, and the long guns of a flying fortress. But if he hopes to find Marya, Senlin will have to do more than survive. This quiet man of letters must become a man of action."

Upon recommendation from author, Mark Lawrence, I decided to pick up Bancroft's Senlin Ascendsa, the first book in the series. Senlin Ascends is the story of a mild-mannered teacher named Senlin, who takes his new bride to Babel to see the famed tower and explore the city. Not long after arriving, they are split up and Senlin desperately needs to find her. Things don't look good as there are 100s of feet of wall that people have posted lost signs on hoping to reconnect with their loved ones. Many people have come to Babel and are never seen again.

Senlin decides that his wife isn't in the city but has been taken to the mysterious Tower of Babel and if he is going to find her, he will have to enter it as well. This is where the story truly begins as Senlin finds a way into the tower and the adventures that he has as he climbs from level to level. Each level is a different form of extravagance.

I really wanted to enjoy this book but couldn't get into it. Senlin as a character didn't have much charisma and his plight wasn't something that interested me. While the various individuals he meets as he searches for his wife were all unique, they didn't really bring much to the table either. I was really hoping for a more entertaining book but what I got was a boring book featuring a lame duck protagonist.

Reader's milage may vary but the book started slow and then showed promise and then quickly fizzled out. I wanted to like this book but after about an hour into the read, I was only hoping to get to the end soon. Senlin Ascends was a huge disappointment.

Overall 6/10



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