BEST OF 2015

It was welcome return to the world of John Wayne Cleaver. While not the best book in the series, it does have it's charms. Cleaver has grown up a bit in this latest novel and become responsible. However, all that growth doesn't seem to help him much as he tackles his most dangerous foe yet.

The second book in the Shattered Sea trilogy. Still haven't gotten around to picking up the third book in the series but Half the World introduces us to a few new and compelling characters and picks up where Half a King left off. Not quite as dark as Abercrombie's Blade Itself series, it still packs a punch and delivers.
3. The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
Everything about this book is epic. The landscape, the characters, and the histories of the culture it is drawn from. Two friends who brought sweeping change to their realm no longer trust each other and engage in a cold war. While this book set the stage, the upcoming books in the series promise to compel you to stay up late and keep reading. One of my most anticipated sequels.
2. The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickson
A book I just finished this morning so a review won't post for a little while. To say this book has quite a few twists and turns is an understatement. The ending of the book is one that you won't see coming. Intelligent characters and storytelling. It deals with many themes and not afraid to open them up and make you think about them. Truly a spectacular debut.
1. Twelve Kings in Sharakai by Bradley Beaulieu
What a great way to be introduced to the author. I have had his other series, The Lays of Anuskaya, on my Kindle since it was released and have never gotten around to it. When this novel came out I decided not to wait and read it immediately and am I glad I did. The story is striking, forcing you to read well past your bedtime. The sequel is another of my most anticipated books.
Favorite Book Not Published in 2015
Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris
One of those books that I have been meaning to read but never got around to reading until now. Tells the story of the Norse gods from Loki's prospective as he causes chaos all around him. Very humorous and imaginative. If you love folklore or Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of the god of mischief, this book is right up your alley as it covers the birth of Loki until Ragnarok.
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