GIVEAWAY: Wode Series by J Tullos Hennig
We are pleased to announce that we have eCopies of J. Tullos Hennig's, Wode series up for grabs. 1 Winner will receive a copy of all three books in the series: Greenwode, Shirewode, and Winterwode in the eBook format of their choice (ePub, Mobi, or PDF).

About the Books:


The Hooded One. The one to breathe the dark and light and dusk between....
When an old druid foresees this harbinger of chaos, he also glimpses its future. A peasant from Loxley will wear the Hood and, with his sister, command a last, desperate bastion of Old Religion against New. Yet a devout nobleman's son could well be their destruction-Gamelyn Boundys, whom Rob and Marion have befriended. Such acquaintance challenges both duty and destiny. The old druid warns that Rob and Gamelyn will be cast as sworn enemies, locked in timeless and symbolic struggle for the greenwode's Maiden.
Instead, a defiant Rob dares his Horned God to reinterpret the ancient rites, allow Rob to take Gamelyn as lover instead of rival. But in the eyes of Gamelyn's Church, sodomy is unthinkable... and the old pagan magics are an evil that must be vanquished.


The King of the Shire Wode. That is what they will call you...
Home razed by Church edict, loved ones struck down by treachery, Rob is left for dead. Taken by the old druid master into the deeps, Rob survives to emerge as driven leader of a band of tight-knit outcasts, claiming the forest as their own and wielding the Horned Lord's vengeance with silent, deadly arrows. Gamelyn has fled England, only to return after finding new identity and purpose--but no absolution--on Crusade. When the two boyhood lovers next cross paths, it will be in a brutal, blindfolded game of foxes and hounds, one which pits Templar assassin against Heathen outlaw. When Rob discovers Marion is also still alive, the game turns.
History will chronicle Robin Hood and Guy of Gisbourne as the deadliest of enemies, but the reality is complicated--and infinitely more tragic.


Robyn Hood is the undisputed ruler of the wild, green Wode. Reunited with his sister Marion and his lover Gamelyn, Robyn and his band of outlaws seek to raise the Ceugant--the magical trine of the Old Religion--against the tyranny of Church and Crown. Yet their forest kingdom is roiling with conflict. Marion has been made welcome, but old shackles and new fears hamper her true promise. Gamelyn is torn between oaths of heart and head--and the outlaws never let him forget he was but recently Guy of Gisbourne, defrocked Templar and Robyn's fiercest enemy.

When a lone traveler is waylaid on the road, a common occurrence quickly proves uncommon. Knight and Maiden, Archer and Men, all are conscripted to aid a Queen's--and ultimately a King's--ransom. For beneath winter's chill is awakening the deepest of magics, and there are those who seek the power of Robyn Hood and his Shire Wode for their own ends.

About the Author

With an inveterate fascination in other worlds, times and places, J Tullos Hennig has managed a few professions in this world–equestrian, dancer, teacher, artist–but has never successfully managed to not be a writer. Ever.

Nomad by birth and bohemian by nature, Jen lives with her longstanding Amazing Spouse in a remote cottage on the Pacific Northwest coast. This merely encourages–nay, guarantees–already rampant hermetic and artistic tendencies, particularly in winter. Comparisons have also been made to a bridge troll. Hopefully emulating the one under the Fremont Bridge: moderately tolerant, but… You know. Bridge troll. An equally remarkable daughter and grandkids, as well as many students—human, equine, avian and canine—have taught her much of what she knows. Wild places, travel, and interlibrary loan fill the gaps in said education–

And merely encourages the boundless escapades of a press gang of invisible “friends”, who Will. Not. Be. Silenced. Ever.

How to Enter

To enter, please send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address, and "WODE" in the subject line. Giveaway will end on 10 March 2015. Thank you for entering and Good Luck!

1) Only Open to Residents of the US only.
2) Only One Entry Per Household (Multiple entries will be disqualified).
3) Must Enter your Name, Valid Email Address, and Mailing Address, AND PREFERRED DIGITAL FORMAT.
4) No Purchase Necessary.
5) Giveaway Will End on 10 March 2015.
6) Winner Will Be Randomly Selected.
7) Personal Information Will Only Be Used In Mailing Out the Book To the Winner.
8) Good luck!



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